Monday, September 15, 2008
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Pictures from Pottery Bark Kids Event
Corey has posted his pictures of the Pottery Barn Kids event on his flickr account:
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Come See R2 at Pottery Barn on Saturday
Hey Star Wars fans - especially those with kids at home:
I will be at The Mall at Green Hills (Nashville, TN) on September 13th, Noon - 2 p.m with my droid and a group of the local MidSouth 501st Legion Star Wars guys/girls in full costume to help Lucasfilm promote their new Pottery Barn "vintage" line of kid's Star Wars bedroom items:
We should be there by 11am to get set up and deal with the anticipated long line of customers. Come by and say hi!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Dan Baker's DragonCon 2008 Report
Thought I'd repost Dan Baker's excellent summary of our R2 Builders experience at DragonCon 2008:
"Yeah, we had a great time at Dragon*Con. Lots of interesting people, and lots of interest in R2-building. Attending members were Andy Schwartz, Doug Dixon, Chris Lee, Oscar Banos, Blake Mann, Dan Baker, Dale (LastName?), Steele Smith, Dan U., Doug Poston, with special guest Barry Clark and his Dalek. A few other members dropped by to say hi as well.
The line forming to the book signing down a nearby hall helped form a "droid corral" in which the astromechs got to zip around and interact with the crowd, along with Chris Lee perving on all the girls with Andy's B9 and its laptop-activated voice. "Hey you! In the black costume! Come closer. Closer. I am VERY happy! Yes! Yes! Yes! Is that your hand on my rear vent? My sensors tell me you are NOT a natural blonde!" were among the more colorful phrases the 6.5 foot tall robot enticed the audience with.
The panel was very well attended, especially with it being at 8:30pm on Sunday night. Chris Lee had an excellent slideshow ready, and many good questions were asked.I wouldn't be surprised to see ten new people join from D*Con alone.
Personally, I had my unfinished droid there, and people responded to it with as much glee as a fully finished unit. Just to see it tooling around was a blast. Of course, the carpet bogged us all down, but a few of us got out enough to take some great pics.
Nice job guys! See you all next year!
Dan Baker"
Labels: dragoncon 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Droid Builders table and display

Dragon Con Robots
Originally uploaded by rwillia532
We had R2-KT, Dan's R2, Andy's R7, B9, and Dr. Satan, Doug's R2, Oscar's R2, My R2-G4 and MSE, and Barry's Dalek.
steampunk Joker meets R2-D2

steampunk Joker meets R2-D2
Originally uploaded by Cryptonaut
We had a great time each afternoon and evening with all of the con attendees that came by the droid builders table.
Lost in Space Robot - DragonCon 2008

Lost in Space Robot - DragonCon 2008
Originally uploaded by MiMierda
Posing with Andy's awesome B9. The voice sound board app for that thing was hilarious.