Painted parts galore
Getting a stockpile of finished painted parts. Can't wait to get them assembled.

My quest to build an R2 unit incorporating Apple technology.
Getting a stockpile of finished painted parts. Can't wait to get them assembled.
I got in on the A&A frame run (PVC, not aluminum). I'll still build one from wood to have for a later droid project, but this one will be here in plenty of time for CIII.
Per Jerry's advice, I marked and then drilled and tapped holes to mount the battery boxes to the feet using the keyholes on the inside of the feet.
OK, last night I gave up on waiting for an aluminum frame run to happen before C3, so I started on a wooden frame. I got 5 pieces of 2' x 2' 1/2" birch ply and started cutting circles. Here's the first one with the Rockler bearing for size reference.
Just arrived via UPS at my office. Wow. These are gorgeous. Way to go Jerry. I'll post pics tonight when I get home. Now R2-G4 can finally stand on his own two feet!
My Mac mini order has been delayed. Go figure Apple announces something and then can't keep up with demand. Gee that never happens. Yeah right.
Ryan's excellent machined aluminum shoulder button details and hydros arrived.